Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ruggedy Rugs to Trade, Part Two

Meanwhile, cousin Kris started with a rectangle and some green circles. Which clearly needed a red border.

And then a golden frame.

And now the design hat is on me...and I'm pondering what comes next. 

Ruggedy Rugs to Trade, Part One

Remember the center of this rug? From my January post...this was the start of the Trade Rug project with my cousin Kris. I gave her flowers, she gave me peas. And a bunny. And a kitty. And some mossy rocks. 

And the mossy rocks inspired some pinecones and needles. And a spider, lady bug, and grasshopper... 

....who lived near a pond where they were friends with a froggy... 

...a cranky crawfish...and some other critters...

What will happen next?? Stay tuned - Kris is designing away!